Calvin Anderson: Who Is He?
Hello. I am Calvin Anderson. “The rational man in our Western culture is a visual man” The Medium Is The Message - Marshall McLuhan I am not a visual thinker—or at least I wasn’t. As a kid, I had little to no skill in art. I could picture everything in my head, down to the last detail, but I could never get it on paper. Seeing the wondrous works (for a 5th-grade level) that my classmates created, I accepted that art was not for me. Instead, I took to math and science. By no means was I gifted in this new field. I could just memorize equations better than I could visualize how to make a drawing. In high school, I took a handful of math, chemistry, psychology, and many other science-related classes. They weren’t hard for me and I passed most with an A—I just found absolutely no joy in them. I didn’t want a future career that had anything to do with STEM. By my sophomore year, I had this realization. I decided to make a change; I signed up for an art class. I started with photo...